K & T Jagds
Only The Strong Survive



Date of Publication of the Valid Original Standard - 05/02/1996


Versatile hunting dog, suited in particular for the hunt under the ground and as a flushing dog.

FCI Classification

Group 3

Section 1 Large and Medium Sized Terriers

With Working Trial

Brief Historical Summary

After the first World War a group of active hunters separated from the numerically strong Fox-terrier Club. It was their aim to creat a breed, the sole purpose of which would be hunting performance. The experienced hunters and cynologists Rudolf Frieb, Walter Zangerberg and Carl-Erich Grunewald decided to select a black and tan hunting dog in particular suitable for the hunt under the ground. A coincidence came in support of their efforts. A zoo director, Lutz Heck / Hagenberg presented Walter Zangenberg with four black and tan terriers which were said to come from pure-bred Fox-terrier lines. These dogs became the foundation stock of the German Hunting Terrier. At the time Dr. Herbert Lackner joined the founders. After many years of intensive breeding efforts, and through skillful crossings with the Old English Wirehaired Terrier as well as with the Welsh Terrier, they succeeded to fix the appearance of their breed. At the same time they put great emphasis on breeding a multitalented, well trainable, hard, tongue giving and water-happy dog with an explicit hunting instinct. The German Hunting Terrier Club (Deutcher Jagterrier-Club c.V.) was founded in 1926. As ever, the breders continued to value most carefully their breed for its usefulness as a hunting dog, its steadiness of character, its courage and drive.

General Appearance

A smallish, generally black and tan, compact, well proportioned working hunting dog.

Important Proportions

Proportion of chest circumference to height at the withers - The circumference of the chest is 10 to 12 cm more than the height at the withers.

Body length to height at the withers - The body is insignificantly longer than the height at the withers.

Depth of chest to height at the withers - Circa 55-60% of the height at the withers.


Courageous and hard, takes pleasure in work, enduring, vital, full of temperament, reliable, sociable and trainable, neither shy nor aggressive.


Elongated, slightly wedge-shaped, not pointed, the muzzle slightly shorter than the skull from occiput to stop.

Cranial Region

Skull - The skull is flat, broad between the ears, narrower between the eyes.
Stop - Slightly marked.
Facial Region

Nose - In harmony with the muzzle, neither too narrow nor too small, not cleft. Black, but when the colour of the coat is dominantly brown, a brown nose is also permitted.
Muzzle - Strong, distinct under-jaw, strongly pronounced chin.
Cheeks - Well pronounced
Lips - Tight and well pigmented
Jaws/Teeth - Big Teeth. Strong jaws with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, whereby the row of upper incisors, without gap, perfectly locks over the lower incisors, and with the teeth standing vertically to the jaws. 42 teeth in accordance with the teeth formula.
Eyes - Dark, small, oval, well placed in such a way that injury is hardly possible; the eyelids are tight. Resolute expression.
Ears - Set high, not explicitely small, V-shaped; slightly touching semi-drop ears.

Strong, not too long, well put on and blending strongly into the shoulders.


Topline - Straight
Withers - Well defined
Back - Strong, straight, not too short
Loin - Well muscled
Rump - Well muscled and flat
Chest - Deep, ribs well sprung, not too broad, long breastbone with ribs well reaching backwards
Underline - Elegantly curved backwards; short and fire flanks, belly slightly drawn up
Tail - Well set to the long croup, docked for circa 1/3. Is rather carried slightly raised than steep erected, but should never incline over the back. (In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, it can be left in its natural state. It should be carried horizontally or slightly sabre-formed.)


General - Seen from the front the fore-legs are straight and parallel, viewed from the side they are placed well under the body. The distance from the surface to the elbows is approximately equal to the distance from the elbows to the withers
Shoulder - The shoulder-blade lies well oblique and backwards; it is long and strongly muscled. There is good angulation between shoulder-blade and upper arm
Upper Arm - As long as possible, well and dry muscled
Elbows - Close to body, neither turned inward nor outward. Good angulation between upper arm and forearm
Forearm - Dry, straight and upright with strong bones
Pastern Joint - Strong
Pastern - Slightly angulated to the ground, bones rather strong than fine
Forefeet - Often broader than the hind feet, the toes lying close to each other with sufficiently thick, hard, resistant and well pigmented pads. They are parallel, in stance as well as in movement neither turned inward nor outward

General - Viewed from behind straight and parallel. Good angulation between upper thigh and lower thigh and also at the hocks. Strong bones.
Upper Thigh - Long, broad and muscular.
Stifle - Strong with good angulation between upper and lower thigh.
Lower Thigh - Long, muscular and sinewy.
Hock Joints - Strong and placed low.
Hocks - Short and vertical.
Hind Feet - Oval to round, the toes lying close to each other, with sufficiently thick, hard, resistant and well pigmented pads. They are parallel, in stance and in movement neither turned inward or outward.

Ample ground covering, free, with good reach in the front and powerful drive from the rear. In front and hindquarters parallel and straight; never stilted.


Thick, tight, without folds.


Texture - Plain, dense; hard rough hair or coarse smooth hair.
Colour - The colour is black, dark-brown or greyish-black, with fawn (yellow-red) clearly defined markings at the eyebrows, muzzle, chest, the legs and at the base of the tail. Light and dark mask is equally permitted; small white markings on chest and toes are tolerated.
Size and Weight

Height at the Withers

Dogs - 33 to 40 cm
Bitches - 33 to 40 cm
Weight (desired ideal weight for working)

Dogs - 9 to 10 kg
Bitches - 7.5 to 8.5 kg

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Missing of one or both M3 (Molars) is not to be considered a fault.

Serious Faults

Narrow skull, narrow and also pointed muzzle.
Falling away under-jaw, narrow jaws.
Weak bite, any slight irregularity in the placing of the incisors.
Light or spotted nose.
Light, too big or protruding eyes.
Erected, flying, too small, set too low or heavy ears.
Steep forequarters.
Soft or roached back, too short back.
Short breastbone.
Too narrow or too wide in front.
Steep hindquarters, overbuilt.
Elbows clearly turned in or out.
Too close or spread toes; cow hocked, bow legged or narrow hocks, in stance as well as in movement.
Ambling, stilted or tripping gait.
Splayed feet, cat feet.
Tail inclining over the back, tail set too low or hanging.
Short, woolly, open or thin hair, bald at the belly or at the inner sides of the thighs.
Disqualifying Faults

Weak in temperament and character, shot or game shy.
Over and undershot bite, wry mouth, pincer and partial pincer bite, irregularly placed teeth, missing teeth except for M3.
Incorrect pigmentation.
Entropion and eetropian, eyes of different colour, blue or spotted eyes.
Any departure of the described coat colour.
Over and under size.
N.B. Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Deutscher Jagdterrier Breed Standard